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Nothing But Love in Her Heart

Dec 10

I’ve been trying to be optimistic.  It’s not unfounded or unrealistic when it comes to Fallon.  She seems happy and healthy, and while I’m always expecting something bad to pop up, of late it hasn’t.  For that I’m grateful.

I’m learning optimism pays in other areas as well.  I have dreaded playing hockey for the past few months, which is a 180 for me.  I used to play 5-6 times a week with a number of different groups.  Since Fallon’s diagnosis, that had abruptly ended, I just wasn’t into it, I was only into Fallon.  Yesterday was the first time in months I half felt like playing.  I used lots of positive self talk and applied my newly found optimistic outlook.  It was the best game I have played in awhile, and I actually had fun.  Fallon’s Dad came to watch me play, we never used to miss each others’ games.  Since Fallon’s diagnosis, we haven’t gone to each others’ games at all.

Time to reintegrate some of the old pleasures into the new normal.

Here’s a video of the girls running in the snow.  They are both happy girls:

Next week hopefully will continue the positive trend…Chemotherapy day is Tuesday.  If all goes well there, vacation on Thursday!!  Off to Niagara Falls…

More to come…

3 comments so far

  1. threepaw
    7:44 pm - 12-10-2017

    yes yes stay positive…I remember when my beloved three paw got her diagnosis, it consumed all my life too. It is hard to go back to normal in a way because the normal is now new..But Fallon looks great, she is a little fighter, and each day is a miracle for you to enjoy in as many ways as you can

  2. linda8115
    3:00 am - 12-11-2017

    Fallon looks great! Yes make sure you get some “me” time too. Balance is important and it’s so easy to be too focused on this journey and forget ourselves. One day at a time and live each fully! Hugs!

  3. jerry
    5:49 am - 12-11-2017

    Oh hoppy girls you look radiant in that beautiful snow!

    Glad to hear momma is back on the ice and kickin’ some butt. You have done a magnificent job showing your people how to be more dog and live in the now.

    Good luck this week. Let us know how chemo goes and give Dr. Sue smooches from us OK?

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