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Nothing But Love in Her Heart

Jun 24

Fallon and her Dad have always had a special bond.  I meant to post this for Father’s Day, but couldn’t pull it off. It’s easy to see how in love they are.           I can’t tell you how much we miss her.              

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Dec 28

It’s Fallon’s twelfth Gotcha Day December 30th–New Year’s Eve Eve is the day I picked her up from the Dunkin’ Donuts.  I always joked with her that I bought her there because she is the sweetest thing.  She always laughed at my jokes.  We picked her up there because it is a place close to […]

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Oct 11


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I find myself oddly OK today—at least no more bent out of shape than is usual for me these days.  Today is Fallon’s one year ampuversary.  It’s rainy here.  I’m kind of glad.  All my party plans for her centered around the yard, and I am sure we would be there if she was here […]

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May 03

It’s been awhile—just catching you up.  Hi! Fallon had her first thing we can’t talk about on social media, and we wanted to let you know it went OK—no problems while she was there, other than she spiked a slight temperature one hour, but it was normal the rest of the day.  The day afterward […]

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Apr 07

Another greyt day!!  It was a bit windier, not too many people and their dogs on the beach, but we still had a wonderful time. Check out my family–melts my heart <3 Fallon is pretty good about pacing herself, and was happy to cuddle with Dad while Maggie and I walked the beach.  It was […]

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