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Nothing But Love in Her Heart

2018 Archive

Dec 28

It’s Fallon’s twelfth Gotcha Day December 30th–New Year’s Eve Eve is the day I picked her up from the Dunkin’ Donuts.  I always joked with her that I bought her there because she is the sweetest thing.  She always laughed at my jokes.  We picked her up there because it is a place close to […]

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Dec 17

I can’t convey how difficult the past 3 months have been.  Life without Fallon on earth has been quite a transition—as has been life on earth without Fallon.  I still feel a good amount of pain.  There have been tons of challenges, and I have been facing each one with a “fake it ‘til you […]

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Oct 11


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I find myself oddly OK today—at least no more bent out of shape than is usual for me these days.  Today is Fallon’s one year ampuversary.  It’s rainy here.  I’m kind of glad.  All my party plans for her centered around the yard, and I am sure we would be there if she was here […]

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Sep 20

The Blog Post below was written by a friend of mine.  It makes me cry, probably in a good way, although any crying is unwanted at this point; it’s been excessive.  The picture of Fallon was created by another friend.   I wanted to share these sweet gestures with you.  I have been watching the sky for my […]

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Sep 16

My warrior girl is gone.  My love, my heart, my Fally… I knew someday I would need to write something like this.  I never thought it would be this soon.  All indications were that Fallon was doing awesome.  Two weeks ago we saw 2 doctors—good reports from each.  X-rays and bloodwork were good.  You can […]

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