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Nothing But Love in Her Heart

2019 Archive

Dec 30

Eleven years ago today I adopted my best friend.  I’ve told the story before, but it’s a good one, so… Paul, Willow and I went out one Saturday morning just for fun. We’d hop in the car just for something to do.  Today it was to see the greyhounds at the adoption clinic—not looking to […]

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Sep 25

We’re back from our beach vacation.  It couldn’t have been better—weather was wonderful, lots of dogs on the beach—it was greyt.   Dewey Beach is 24/7 dog friendly after September 15 every year, so that’s when we plan to arrive.  It did not disappoint. I brought along some of Fallon’s ashes to spread.  Dewey was one […]

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Sep 07

Rough day yesterday–It’s been a year without our girl.  Hard to believe—it’s been so slow and so painful, yet it flew right by.  And like most of our anniversaries, I dreaded the day.  Like everyone who loses their love, I miss Fallon horribly.  I will forever. A long time ago I had a dream where […]

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Jul 06

I’ve had a horrible last couple weeks, just missing my girl.  I feel such pain, staying up all night second guessing everything we did for her, decisions we made for her, wondering what bad karma I brought upon us to have to not have her.  I miss her so much.  I feel cheated. I understand […]

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Jun 24

Fallon and her Dad have always had a special bond.  I meant to post this for Father’s Day, but couldn’t pull it off. It’s easy to see how in love they are.           I can’t tell you how much we miss her.              

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