Things went very well at the follow up visit to the surgeon. Fallon didn’t seem nervous as we went in, and that was a very good omen. She historically gets super shaky at the vet. She was cool with it today.
Fallon went off to get her stitches removed, while her Dad and I went into the exam room to talk to the people. She is virtually off all meds at this point—nothing for pain once we finish her Previcox, but we do have vetprofen and tramadol should she be uncomfortable. They gave us props for the care we provided because her incision site looks outstanding. Really, it was all Fallon 🙂 We can increase her activity, and even the amount she walks. Right now, she’s going about half a block out and back. The doctor said we could build that up to whatever she could tolerate. So we’ll see what she will tolerate, she’s good about letting us know 🙂 I also asked about the rehab consult, and the doctor gave us the referral to a doctor there, the schedulers will call us to get it set up. We’ll get some direction toward strengthening her more and helping her walk as comfortably as possible. Bone biopsy is STILL NOT BACK. No one’s fault, I understand. The bone apparently must be soaked to remove the calcium, so a thin slice can be examined. Fallon’s still needs to be soaked. The doctor said he would check in later in the week with us, or call immediately when the results came in. My biggest concern was having that report for the next stage, the oncologist appointment for chemotherapy. Our first appointment is the day before Halloween, next Monday. We’ll figure it out.
We left feeling really good. Fallon is doing awesome, the doctor was pleased with her progress, and we’re moving away from restricting her and medicating her.

It was a greyt day!!
We left the office in a torrential rainstorm, but I didn’t care, I wanted to get her home. The first thing she did was run straight upstairs. I knew that’s exactly what she would do. I love her so much.