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Nothing But Love in Her Heart

May 03

It’s been awhile—just catching you up.  Hi!

Fallon had her first thing we can’t talk about on social media, and we wanted to let you know it went OK—no problems while she was there, other than she spiked a slight temperature one hour, but it was normal the rest of the day.  The day afterward she had the poopies, and 3 days of decreased appetite that got better every day until it was normal—not so bad, and worth it for the potential benefit.  We go again next Tuesday.  Now, that is a long day!  We wake up at 4AM to shower, do business, eat, and drive to Connecticut to be there at 8:30.  We were there until 6PM last time, and I expect it will be the same this time.  By the time we get home, it is 9PM.  Maggie and I went out for coffee a couple of times through the day, got a nice lunch, and explored the greater Norwalk area.  Parks cost a lot of money to park in there, otherwise we’d explore the waterfront.  We visited Petco and she got some lovely attention from the folks there. It might be easier not to take her as it would open up ways for me to kill time, but she enjoys it, and it makes Fallon all nervous and suspicious when we load her up to go anywhere alone.  I like her company—we’ll manage.

Otherwise, things are going pretty steady.  Our routine is pretty engrained right now.  Unfortunately, my job is changing a bit.  I say unfortunately as it impacts my engrained routine, but I am really grateful to have a job now, so I will make it work.  Change is a good thing!

a gorgeous day in the yard

FINALLY, we’ve had some nice weather here.  We’ve had a couple of nice yard days.  Our girls love to lounge around the yard.  Soon we’ll have it looking nice again.

Biggest news—I think we’re taking a 2-legger only vacation!  Fallon has been doing so well, it’s time for us all to take a little break.  Our greyhound group president connected us with a friend who fosters for her and also does pet sitting.  She has 2 greyhounds of her own, in addition to fosters.  We went over to meet her (i.e. scope her out and get a vibe) and it went really well.  Our girls felt really comfortable with her and her greyhounds. Biggest concern is cats and a rabbit—but Lisa assured us they would be fine (Maggie eats cats and rabbits), and indeed, there was an inside cat sitting on a chair and Fallon gave it a kiss, and Maggie pretty much ignored.  So I provided the orientation to Tripawd care and feeding, and we arranged to drop them off in about 2 weeks for a long weekend…!  I THINK I can do it…and honestly, there’s no better situation I can think of for this scenario.  It will be a nice vacation for us all.

More to come…

5 comments so far

  1. Wyatt
    4:17 pm - 5-3-2018

    Thank you for sharing Fallon’s experience! My Wyatt is scheduled for this next week, and I’ve been still sitting on the fence as to whether or not we will go through with it – He has been doing so well, I almost hate to change anything. I hope Fallon continues to thrive – sounds like she’s in great hands!

  2. tlahaye
    9:26 pm - 5-3-2018

    Happy to hear that things went so well. Casey’s fever spiked for 5 1/2 hours and they thought they may have to hold him overnight. How has the fundraiser worked out (I couldn’t find it)?

    • dawn3g
      10:08 pm - 5-3-2018

      Fallon’s went really smoothly. They didn’t even tell me about the temp until the end, when I said I couldn’t believe there was no bad effects, and they told me her temp was just barely above normal, and that was it. The after effects were 100% resolved in about 3-4 days. Hope it continues to go well–for Casey too.

      Haha–filled out the Go Fund Me page, wrote a blurb, posted pictures, then felt horrible about pushing the button to publish it, and didn’t. I decided to get a second job instead. It’s only a few more months, right?

  3. tlahaye
    6:20 pm - 5-4-2018

    I responded to this, but perhaps admin deleted it. I’ll try again.

    That explains why I couldn’t find Fallon’s GoFundMe. FWIW, Casey only raised about $400, primarily from friends and family. Guess I’m not much of a promoter.

  4. dougo1
    2:55 pm - 5-7-2018

    I am so Happy that Fallon is doing so well. Beautiful dog!

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