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Nothing But Love in Her Heart

Sep 25

We’re back from our beach vacation.  It couldn’t have been better—weather was wonderful, lots of dogs on the beach—it was greyt.   Dewey Beach is 24/7 dog friendly after September 15 every year, so that’s when we plan to arrive.  It did not disappoint.

I brought along some of Fallon’s ashes to spread.  Dewey was one of her favorite places on earth, and probably on the moon and heaven, too.  She loved the water and loved to run on the beach with us.  The second she hit the sand, I felt better—like she was with me, like she was happy, like she was home.  I can’t explain the joy I felt immediately and wish I had brought her along sooner.  She’ll always be a part of her favorite place now.  I also spread her sister Willow’s ashes and felt elated they were together again.

I’m not one to enjoy just sitting, even on the beach.  I always need something going on.  This vacation was different.  There were a few windy days, which we needed for a break, but most days we took our shelter and gear to the beach and just hung out.  I took my Kindle, earbuds, and balls with the throwing stick for the dogs and had all I needed to relax.  Between reading, playing with the girls, swimming in the waves, and dog watching, it was all I needed.

Danica dug holes. It’s hard to see here, but she is standing on her back legs in her super deep hole.

Crowded beach. The awesome lifeguard saved a little girl when we were there–we all applauded

That’s our silver space age structure

We went to Rehoboth Beach for dinner—walked there and took an Uber back.  Our driver was a Turkish gentleman, and he had his iPad set up to watch music videos from his country while we rode back to our hotel.  On that short ride we heard some awesome music, and I took his referral for some other good Turkish groups to check out.  Between the waves crashing on the beach, the mesmerizing Turkish pop music, two dogs to cuddle and have fun with, and the feeling my Girl Fallon was by my side…oh gosh.  I haven’t felt that at peace in a while.

We’re back in the real world again now, but I’m still trying to hang onto that feeling—that paradise.  My Girl is always with me.

4 comments so far

  1. brownie1201
    12:51 am - 9-26-2019


    What a beautiful beach. I am so happy you are doing better, and celebrating Gallons life. I promise this makes Fallon so happy!

  2. Sally Holladay
    1:35 am - 9-26-2019

    I’m so glad you posted this for so many reasons!
    First of all, I somehow missed beautiful Fallon’s Angelversary. The picures you posted and the memories you shared were sich a lovely way to celebrate this extraordinary Soul, this extraordinarily gentle loving, playful Soul. I especially love the picture of your two graceful Greys seemingly tske flight as they flew across the beach and over the shore line.

    Now, to today’s blog. I have a few happy tears flowing and some head to toe chills. The peace that Fallon has given you (and beautiful Willow too) now that she is “home” again back in the place that she loved so dearly❤ The place that is so life affirming. The place that nurtured her Soul and revived her spirit, just as she knew it would do the same for you.

    Because she infused uou with her peace, you were able to be open to one of her biggest lessons. You immersed yourself in it and it part of you now. She gave you the gift of “being still” and being able to be content with that “stillness”. She has taught you how to be centered and grounded in the now and, most importantly feel her presence in that quiet space💖

    BTW Danica digging that hole deep enough for her to stand in? WOW! Impressive!! And I loved that video!

    Thanks for sharing the homecoming with us. Beautifu, just beautiful.

    Did you ever read “A Gift from the Sea?” Take it with you on uour next vacay to Dewey. I think you will like it.

    Much to all❤
    Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!

  3. paws120
    3:15 pm - 9-26-2019

    Dawn and family,

    I am just so happy that this special vaca turned out the way it did. Fallon definitely had ideas for this trip, and I think she knew her mama needed to feel her love.
    My eyes filled the first time I read it, and of course again for round 2 lol. I swear, I could actually feel the warmth of you smiling as I read your words.
    My heart is happy for you, I am so glad that you finally had peace and happiness. Lord knows you needed and deserved it.
    I love how you are taking that peace home with you and are embracing it. Yes, your girl will always and forever be with you.
    That beach is so gorgeous… truly amazing. Might have to make that a bucket list thing to see… just beautiful.
    Sending you hugs and love,
    Jackie and Huckleberry

  4. hester
    2:12 pm - 9-27-2019

    Dawn, I am so glad you felt peace and connection with Fallon on this trip and with the ritual of spreading some of her ashes there. Really sounds like a simply wonderful trip for all of you.


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