Yes, you. Sorry, this will be long, we have a lot to be thankful for.
First our secret—we’ve reached a happy benchmark. In all the decision making we had to do on Fallon’s behalf, we knew it was all a crap shoot. Maybe the cancer would be found to be worse when she was in surgery. Maybe she wouldn’t make it through. Maybe she wouldn’t do well through the recovery phase. Maybe she wouldn’t thrive as a Tripawd. There were so many scary things that could go wrong. Paul and I discussed that if we all made it in one piece (minus one leg) to Thanksgiving, that would be the outside minimum we could accept to validate our decisions. We didn’t want to say it out loud, so as not to jinx it. Well, here we are. I’ve felt for a while we made the right decision. Now we’ve passed that first benchmark. Grateful….yes, and so very thankful. Go Fallon!! Time to choose a new goal—maybe Christmas. Maybe getting to the end of all 6 chemotherapy. Maybe Dewey Beach in April…?

Happy Thanksgiving, Everyone!
On to giving thanks. We owe so many so much.
There have been many unexpected, generous acts, from our neighbor down the street, who was also a Tripawd mom offering to lend us a wagon for Fallon to negotiate longer distances, to an online friend who sent us two bags of expensive immunity treats, to a hockey friend who brought Fallon a calming, lavender scented toy (which Maggie believes to be hers), to thoughtful cards we’ve received in the mail, to super long emails with helpful hints and relating past experiences working with dog post-surgery after amputation from a friend who worked as a vet tech, we couldn’t be more grateful for these kindnesses out of the blue. People we see at hockey, people who are neighbors, people who we work with follow our blog, ask for updates, and give us hugs. We’re floored by the numbers of folks who have been following Fallon’s journey on this blog. Floored, but grateful.
I can’t say enough good about Tripawds. We were lost when this started. We had no direction, only conflicting information, and didn’t feel qualified to command this mission. Somehow, we ran across Tripawds, and it’s the best thing that could have happened to us. So much information, so much support, so much reinforcement, so much caring…You might not think about communities like this until you need them, but this community deserves your attention. They help fund necessary Tripawd expenses through their foundation—things like special equipment, reimbursement toward surgery, rehab consult reimbursement, adoption fees for Tripawds in shelters who need homes–tons. They provide educational brochures to doctor’s offices. There is a toll free help line where you can actually talk to someone for support. They support this blog (and countless others) giving people like us a place to share and vent and put pictures. There are topical forums where members can get information, share information, and chat They have published books to help clueless people like us find out what we need to know (and things we needed to know that we didn’t know we needed to know) easily. They are part of our support system, and fountains of knowledge (and wisdom and love). Think about looking them up and supporting them. Thank you so much for all you do, Tripawds.

Fallon flies the Tripawds flag
Oh, Family. We appreciate your pings, your jokes, your virtual hugs, your comments on Fallon’s blog and Facebook…I am very sad we won’t have Thanksgiving together. But I can’t wait to see you and have real sister hugs next weekend!!! I will cry. I miss you.
Many apologies and super thanks to my Hockey peeps. Thank you for putting up with all my absences and crappy, distracted playing. Hockey had been at the top of my list of priorities before Fallon’s diagnosis, but now Fallon takes all my time and thoughts. But we’re finally settling into our new normal, and as a result I have to start taking care of myself better. Things can only get better…I promise. x
The Greyhound Health Initiative is an organization that we’ve long supported, never truly believing we’d take advantage of their support someday also. When we needed Dr. Couto, the greyhound cancer expert, to weigh in on our situation, very, very early in this journey, the fee was discounted through our membership. They have a reimbursement program for Fallon’s Carboplatin (chemo med). In our correspondence working out the details, they have always asked how Fallon was, even provided a tasty little recipe for peanut butter meatballs when we were concerned about her weight loss. Good people working for a greyt cause. Look them up too.
Our greyhound group, Forever Home Greyhound Adoption and president Paula has helped us every step of the way and offered such support. Frequent check-ins through surgery time, recommendations on professionals to work with, equipment we’d need—invaluable. June, a Tripawd greyhound Mom from the group was one of the first people I reached out to when we got this devastating news and amputation seemed realistic, and she spent tons of time talking about their experience when I was trying to figure things out. So happy you are in our lives…and thank you for our girls. <3

Thankful Maggie is a good, good girl xoxo
Our doctors are the best—little more to say about that. We’re so grateful not only for the medical treatment and knowledge, but the practical advice, (mostly) positive feedback, and big hugs. Grateful for Dr Sue Ettinger and Suzanne (oncologist), Dr Laura Perez and Jenn (rehab), and Dr Matt McDaniel and the whole team at Sand Creek Animal Hospital and how they have helped us in so many ways. We’re also grateful for our surgeon, Dr. Faulkner Besancon, who we don’t need to see any more (!), but he did an awesome job.
You’re all Team Fallon—We’re all Team Fallon. We wouldn’t be at this point without you. The things you do don’t go unnoticed. We’re in your debt–very grateful you’re here supporting us.
One more thing…FU cancer.