It’s been a long and winding road…
We’ve been trying to relax. Historically we take lots of long-weekend vacations through the summer, but the girls are just really enjoying the yard a lot—plus we canceled a couple to concentrate on the REALLY good ones, and throw the money at those. It’s a good season to economize.

Fallon would lay in the yard all day if she could.

Fallon Ellen German Shepherd

<3 these two
Fallon is doing greyt. I still think a lot about how we can make things better. We’ve completed chemotherapy and (the treatment part of the study), and will likely start the metronomic protocol again soon. That was the oral chemotherapy. I think lots about what will enhance the treatment and program she’s on. Fingers crossed and knocking on wood things continue well, but she is responding really well to every treatment we throw her way, and she seems really happy and healthy.
Dr. Dressler’s book starts out with chapters on taking better care of yourself. Stress exacerbates cancer, plus our pets are very intuitive about our feelings—so our stress begets their stress. I’ve tried a few things to decrease stress in our family—with some success. We still have a way to go, though.
The most exciting addition we’ve made is learning about Essential Oils. My original thought was as a way to help Fallon through stressful times—doctor appointments, and nail clipping mostly—things that distress her. A friend made Fallon a dog friendly oil blend that seemed really effective in relaxing her. She loves it when I put it on her. So it can’t be a bad thing. So why not for me and Paul? We bought an essential oils starter kit with some of the common oils, and are having fun testing things out. Mostly we’ve been diffusing for stress relief. But one time when Fallon was having her wheeziness, I diffused an oil with qualities to help that, as well as rubbing a drop behind her ears—and it seemed to work. We’re also going to work to replace the toxic stuff we use to clean with essential oils that serve the same purpose. I am a new enthusiast and hope to learn more.
I wrote a blog months and months ago about my behavioral freakouts, and someone suggested meditation—Jerry, I think. So I gave it a whirl, and find that when I keep up with it, I do better. I have been using the Headspace app, it has been excellent for me. I generally have a good amount of trouble focusing anyway, and 10—15 minutes of meditation can be a challenge—but also a good investment of my time, as I’ve been getting my act together in terms of trying to be in the moment.
Eating better and exercise—no brainers, but they fell by the wayside during the initial stages of this journey. I now find myself 30 pounds heavier. Time to get back on track. Starting……………………
So our two legger vacation last month went really well, other than weather, which we can’t control. The grrrls seemed to love their petsitter, and I was thrilled to get text pics every day, so win-win. We might try getting away solo again soon.
Our next family thing on the calendar is Grapehounds in the Finger Lakes at the end of July. Last year we thought about maybe doing something else…but with Fallon and our current situation, it can’t be a better choice. The kids love just hanging out on the deck, and when we visit the wineries, it is a manageable walk from the car to the building, plus we have greyhound friends as neighbors. Our cabin is not rustic, and is walkable to downtown Watkins Glen—for us, not Fallon any more. There’s some hiking we’ll need to modify. But other than that, perfect! Taking a break is awesome.

Haha. Darn close. New owners at the cabin…Sweet nonetheless! Fallon and Maggie got a kick out of it.

Fallon, 4 legged and maybe a year ago. They love hanging out on the deck and looking at the lake all day.

Maggie’s first year at this cabin. We only knew her a couple of weeks at this point

This might be 5+ years ago. Taughannock Falls, near Ithaca, NY. We may not be able to make this hike this year. But we’ll get her to the park anyway.